4th February 2025

It’s been a mixed bag of weather this winter with a very wet December (161mm) after a dry November (27mm). The course received a welcome 2 week break in January after a good fall of snow and then some freezing temperatures followed. The course is holding up well despite the heavy play and foot traffic and some milder weather recently has allowed us to get on with some jobs.
The 11th Medal tee extension is progressing well and we just have the teeing surface to turf and with a good grow in should be ready for use around May time. This new tee really opens up the dogleg aspect of the hole.
All this sandy material came from the hole we dug on the right hand side of the 3rd fairway. We have turned this into a grassy hollow/bunker and gives this otherwise bland stretch of rough some identity now.

JF Job contractors will be continuing the coastal protection works over the next two weeks. The remaining stretch along the 1st hole and the section beyond the 2nd tee up to the gabions will be completed.
Beyond the gabions along the 2nd hole we have transferred some of the chestnut fencing and will be backfilling over time to help build up this stretch.
Back on the course we have our early Spring work to complete ahead of the season. Jobs such as seeding greens, sanding and spraying wetting agent to fairways and tees. Painting jobs. Getting the newly revetted bunkers in play for mid March along with the rest trimmed up. (14 done this season) Priming and checking the irrigation system is all set and ready to go.
George Paterson
Head Greenkeeper