Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Course

Welcome to Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Course

Links Golf Since 1793


Spring maintenance work

18th April 2018

Spring has finally arrived after a prolonged cold winter this year. The fairways received there first cut last week and other areas are starting to show a little growth as the soil slowly warms up.

Following on from hollow tining the tees back in March we have recently verti-cut to refine the sward and today applied a slow release feed. We applied 14 bags of 16.2.10 + 2%Mg + 3%Ca + 6%S which equates to 50kg Nirtogen per Ha / 6kg Phosphorus and 32Kg potassium per Ha. This is the recommended rate to give the turf 3 to 4 months of required nutrient and steady growth to enhance the appearance and aid recovery from wear and tear.

The greens were also vert-cut last week and the height of cut lowered to 4mm. Our 4th sanding of the year went on this Monday to help fill in any imperfections and the 17th green and two putting greens were spiked and seeded to try and ultimately promote some denser turf cover. The greens were also given their base feed today with an organic mineral fertiliser. This contains 5 different forms of nitrogen for a gentle release as temperatures rise.                                                  13.5 bags were used over the 20 greens and this provided 17kg N and K/Ha. This is intended to last for around 7 to 8 weeks to which point liquid feeds will take over as we enter into the hotter summer months. The greens will be slightly slower for a few days until the feed has fully broken down into the grass sward.

Leatherjacket grub activity so far has been minimal and maybe it is due to the cold spring? I’m keeping my fingers crossed that numbers will be low and not cause any real superficial damage as and when they do start to feed on the roots and fill out.

Bunker work

We have over the past couple of months replaced the very fine sand in many bunkers. Some have been dug out down to the membrane and new sand put in and others have had an up turned sod base put in before the new sand added. It seems to be working with not nearly as much sand blow as previously which will save a lot on our labour.

New swailes at 6th hole

These two swailes are taking a little longer to bed in than first expected and mainly due to so little growth. They have been previously sand dressed a couple of times and also rolled, fed and given a flymo recently. Once some regular cutting takes place they will begin to fill out properly and be brought into play then.