Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Course

Welcome to Fortrose & Rosemarkie Golf Course

Links Golf Since 1793


Course Report – January 2017

The weather has been fairly good over the winter so far, without too many days of frosts, rain or snow.

Work has begun removing gorse on the first 4 holes of the course, with backfilling happening at the same time. Areas on the right of the 2nd and 3rd have been turfed over. The stumps on the 2nd and 18th have yet to be removed but should happen shortly.

The bunker on the 7th has been completed and should be easier for members to play out of, it will be back in play at the end of March.

The greens have been vertidrained and are due to be tined again with smaller thinner tines.

The tees and aprons have been tined twice so far over the winter period and are due a light feed to take them into the springtime.

The fairways have been tined in November and given a spray of iron sulfate and have just been tined and given another spray of iron and wetting agent.

The rock armour has now been completed along the 6th and 7th coast and infilling between the stones and the top of the bank has started, this will then be seeded to finish.